Christmas will be here in less than three weeks and guess what Santa's elves have purchased for Mom Runs Faster Than Dad's offspring. Absolutely, nothing, nada, zilch. Yes, that's right! Some slacking little elves we've got going on over here. I think the little elves have a whole lot of catching up to do. I wonder if I promised the elves a few extra cookies by the fireplace for Santa to bring back to them, would they increase their shopping efficiency? Probably not, after they discovered the cookies were made with whole wheat flour.
Dear husband has asked me what I want for Christmas. I told him the dreaded answer husband's don't want to hear. "I don't know." They want you to know, so it makes their job that much easier. It's not that I really don't know. I just have to figure out what I value most receiving. I'm not a girly kind of girl. Please don't bring me flowers, candy or cards. My husband knows my true feelings on all of these things; a big waste of money. Flowers die, cards get thrown away or stuffed in a drawer and let's not even talk about that candy. Do you really want to be THAT husband responsible for the additional 5 pounds of weight I gained over the holidays? Believe me when I say I will eat every freaking piece in that box that doesn't contain nasty coconut.
There are plenty of things on my wish list. Running and cycling are expensive habits. My options are endless. As mentioned above, I just have to determine what I need or want most. Do I want a cycling trainer so I can bring my beloved bike in the house and ride to infinity and beyond? My safety is always important. Should I ask for a Road ID bracelet? I could always use some cold weather gear compression pants. Everyone just knows how much I love the bitter cold. The list goes on and on. For my husband's sake, he only wishes I would tell him sooner than later.
I'm quite proud of myself for my future running/race endeavors. I just completed my first ever cold weather run for myself with the Turkey Trot and will be completing my second even colder one this next weekend with the Jingle Bell. As well all know, I just love, love the cold; NOT! I'm preregistered for the 500 Festival Mini-marathon training series, which will mostly consist of frigid temperatures. I'm breaking barriers for myself, woohoo! Now if I could just get myself to run in the rain. Besides the treadmill, that's my only option as it has been raining almost non-stop for two days. Anybody have some connections with the Mother Nature? I'll share the elves cookies with her if she can make it stop raining.
Thanks to those who have endured reading my long, sometimes rambling blog entries, liked me on Facebook and/or have followed me on Twitter. If you have yet to do so and are a glutton for punishment, you may find me here on Facebook and/or follow me on Twitter.
You crack me up! Instead of giving the "I don't know" response I like to drop hints that wind up being ignored (may need a different tactic here). For example, last night I say to my better half - mind you it's pouring rain outside - "A bike trainer would REALLY be fantastic for days like this, huh?" Barely a response. Hmmmm. Christmas should be interesting. Kind of like that one year I got an LLBean topographical map of our neighborhood. But I digress.
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely not a fan of the cold either but I'm trying to use a little reverse psychology on myself to prep for a March 4th marathon. Went out in the cold and drizzle the other night and actually, it wasn't THAT bad. I didn't melt like I thought I would. Once my muscles are all warmed up it's somewhat pleasant but that first 1/2 mile or so is the worst.
Just came across your blog - love it! :)